What Smart Solar can provide
Mega SolarMega Solar Business Business
Our company possesses the design ability and cost reduction technology to realize high performance ratio for power stations, actively promoting and expanding photovoltaic systems.
Smart Compact CitySmart Compact City Business Business
Creating electricity in town, consuming that electricity in town. That sort of ecological and clean energy use is now a reality.
Smart HouseHome Photovoltaic Power Generation Business Business
Electricity generated during the day gets used in the home and surplus electricity will be purchased by the power company. By avoiding electrical waste, lighting and heating costs can by reduced.
O&MOperation and Maintenance Business
Smart Solar not only does installations, but also performs operation management and maintenance inspections. The amount of electricity which has been generated can digitized and confirmed.
(日本語) Smart Power(日本語) スマートパワー Business
(日本語) 太陽光パネル設置の住宅(卒FIT住宅)を対象とした、太陽光余剰電力買取サービスをおこなっています。