
Here you can find an environment where you work with many colleagues and continue growing.

Satoru Ichihara

SC Business Development Office/Joined the company in 2017
After working for a casualty insurance company, an incorporated foundation, and a communication equipment manufacturer, I moved into the energy industry. I was attracted to the concept of smart city and joined Smart Solar Corporation by leveraging my experience in undertaking the electric power business in two companies.

Educating organizations on the use of renewable energy

I explain how to reduce CO2 emissions via renewable energy to municipalities and how to lower electric rates and CO2 emissions via renewable energy to enterprises. I promote the development of renewable energy-based smart cities.

Transforming a delusion into a plan

I experienced the development of a smart city in my previous job in a municipality. I developed a monitoring system for the elderly by combining energy and IT, which was favorably received by the community. Because I found this job very rewarding, I wanted to create a more convenient mechanism and build a system where energy could be used 24 hours a day by linking smart municipalities. I thought I could give shape to the idea in this company. I am excited to translate something like a delusion into a feasible plan.

We must first develop a special interest in it.

In order to make clients see the advantages in the project and consider it an interesting attempt, it is important that we find a special interest in it. Therefore, as a chief of the Office, I need to create a working environment filled with laughter. To do so, it is important that there are no barriers among members. I want to have a team where members are free of hierarchical relationships, express personal opinions on an equal footing, and can join forces with one another toward a shared goal. What we aim to deliver is win-win proposals that are beneficial for both clients and our company and I want to share the sense of achievement that can be obtained from such proposals with my team members.