Orientation (for three days)
In an effort to deepen new employee understanding of Smart Solar Corporation and solar power, we set two days for them to visit each department and learn what they do and actually see the photovoltaic power generation facilities in our Technology Laboratory. On the last day, we will determine the position of each employee while giving due consideration to their aptitude.
First Day
Venue: Tokyo Head Office
1. President
- ・Integration Policy Mission Statement, Management Philosophy, and Management Policy
- ・Business Overview and Medium and Long-term Strategies
2.Business Administration Headquarters
- ・Rules of the company
- ・Employee attitude (first part)
3.Civil Engineering Technology Department
- ・Civil engineering work for photovoltaic power generation
4.Project Development Department
- ・Project development operations
5.Business Promotion Department
- ・Flow from the development of a power station to the completion of construction (raising funds, business operators, project contract, EPC contract, and maintenance contract)
6.Purchasing Department
- ・Procurement of materials
Second Day
Venue: Kisarazu Technology Laboratory
7.Technology Development Headquarters
- ・What is a photovoltaic power generation system? Tour of the power generation facilities and lectures
8.Quality Assurance Department
- ・Quality assurance for photovoltaic power generation systems Current quality assurance system and the purpose of the acquisition of ISO certification
9.O&M Business Department
- ・O&M for a mega solar power station Overview of operations, inspection performance
Third Day
Venue: Tokyo Head Office
- ・Determination of where each employee will be assigned
- ・Annual leave days: 123 days
- ・Five-day workweek system (Saturdays and Sundays, but partially subject to change)
- ・Holidays
- ・Year-end and New Year holidays (9 days) *Subject to change depending on the calendar
- ・Golden Week holidays
- ・Annual paid leave
- ・Congratulatory or condolence leave
- ・Special leave
Paid Leave
A maximum of 20 paid-leave days per year can be taken. (For new employees, this system becomes available six months after joining the company.) Moreover, there is a paid leave accumulation system where employees can carry over a maximum of 20 paid leave days only to the next year.
Table of Annual Paid Leave Days
6 months 1 and a half years 2 and a half years 3 and a half years 4 and a half years 5 and a half years 6 and a half years 10 days 11 days 12 days 14 days 16 days 18 days 20 days -
Insurance and Medical Examination
- ・Employment insurance
- ・Workers’ accident compensation insurance
- ・Health insurance
- ・Employees’ pension
- ・Medical examination (once a year, all costs borne by the company)
Diverse support systems
- ・Menstrual leave
- ・Marriage support system *Applicable to both men and women Three leave days can be obtained when you get married.
- ・Maternity support system Pre and post-delivery leave can be taken from six weeks before the due date to eight weeks after delivery.
- ・Parenting support system *Applicable to both men and women Parenting leave of six months can be taken from the first birthday of the child.
Company Trip
- ・With family (Okinawa in 2015)
- ・With family (Hokkaido in 2017)